PerfectSeason – Veggie Meal Sensations!

Emma Shipman
1 Min Read

This month’s shout out from Natural Brands – Supporting Independent Retail…

PerfectSeason – Veggie Meal Sensations!

Introducing PerfectSeason, an exciting range of organic, frozen meal solutions made from all natural ingredients – perfect for the growing number of vegans and flexitarians shopping your stores.

The team at PerfectSeason are all about maximizing the natural flavours and textures found in the plant kingdom and turning them into products that replace meat without trying to mimic it. It’s simply about making veggies great!

All PerfectSeason products are: Organic, Vegan, Gluten Free, Soya Free and cook from frozen in under 10 minutes.

Choose from Mushroom Patties, Pea Fritters, Dill Cakes, Beetroot Patties and Falafels Fantastico.

RRP: £3.99

Available from: CLF – / Suma –

Natural Brands
email: [email protected]

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