Tag: Wrap UK

Time’s up for single-use plastic: Two thirds of Brits want supermarkets to make reuse schemes easier to reduce plastic

New research from GoUnpackaged has revealed that two-thirds of Brits (65%) believe…

Charlee Singleton

WRAP: 63% of Brits want immediate climate action

With COP26 in full swing, WRAP finds that six in ten consumers…

Rosie Greenaway

The growing issue of food waste – and what we can do about it

Waste reduction charity WRAP reports that households throw away approximately 7.1m tonnes…

Rosie Greenaway

£20MN allocated to turn tide on plastics

The Government’s pledge to tackle plastic – ‘one of the great environmental…

Rosie Greenaway

A ‘circular economy’ for plastics

Change-driving environmental charity Wrap UK has welcomed more than 40 companies to…

Rosie Greenaway