B Corp Beauty coalition welcomes Weleda
Weleda has announced it will be represented on the board of the…
Weleda Body Lotions – new skin saviours!
Introducing Weleda’s reformulated and improved Body Lotion range. Now with more precious…
Weleda unveils reinvigorated body lotion offer
Weleda’s range of natural and organic Body Lotions have been given a…
Sustainable Beauty Coalition appoints Jo Chidley as vice chair
Jo Chidley, founder of skincare brand Beauty Kitchen, has been named as…
Spotlight series
Weleda has launched its new Calendula & Chamomile Hand Sanitiser made with…
100 years of ‘Weleda wisdom’ captured in new book
Weleda has published a new book – Natural Wellness Every Day –…
News in brief
Perfectly Pure juices has announced that it is expanding its operation from…
Don’t launch a brand unless it’s planet positive, advises SBC
Following the launch of the Planet Positive Beauty Guide, members of the…
News in brief
Following the launch of its White Chocolate Pretzels, snack brand Olly’s has announced listings…
2021 Sustainable Beauty Awards winners announced
During a virtual ceremony hosted by Ecovia Intelligence, the winners of the…
Spotlight series
In an interview series, Collaborate to Zero, Mark Jankovich, CEO of Delphis…
Who’s Who in Natural Beauty 2021: celebrating sustainable superstars
There’s never been a better time to celebrate natural beauty. After a…
Going beyond green
As insiders shift their focus from green beauty to blue beauty, Rosie…
Sustainability before self-interest
Jayn Sterland, chair of the Sustainable Beauty Coalition (SBC), talks about her…
Authentic ageing
Following a backlash against the whole concept of ‘anti-ageing’ in the beauty…
Facing down fatigue
Chronic tiredness and fatigue have dogged the nation big time, and never…
Marie Claire recognizes Weleda with sustainability award
Weleda has won Best Supply Chain Initiative for its ‘century-long commitment’ to…
HFMA announces new chair and vice president
Steve Mann, director of external regulatory affairs at Nelsons, has been confirmed…
British Beauty Council commits to lead in sustainability with new coalition
The British Beauty Council has formed the Sustainable Beauty Coalition to champion…
Winners of the tenth annual Free From Skincare Awards revealed
The winners of the annual Free From Skincare Awards winner have been…