Tag: THR

Online retailers given just days to register for compulsory EU medicines logo

The MHRA has announced that from 1 July anybody in the UK…

Jim Manson

St John’s wort products pulled from Amazon after HFMA-MHRA collaboration

The Health Food Manufacturers’ Association (HFMA) says that over 100 unlicensed St…

Jim Manson

News in Brief

With sales of coconut oil still on the rise, organic and fair…

Jane Wolfe

Retailers told “stop selling unlicensed herbs by April 2014”

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a final…

Jim Manson

Bio-Health laxative secures THR

Bio-Health has secured a Traditional Herbal Registration for its Natural Herbal Laxative…

Jim Manson

Bio-Health celebrates addition of three new THRs

Bio-Health has achieved three more THRs bringing its total to 11. The…

Jim Manson

MHRA warns of Black Cohosh risk as woman undergoes liver transplant

The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has warned consumers about the dangers…

Jim Manson

MHRA “investigating nine companies” over herbals

The UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has told nutraingredients.com…

Jim Manson

Ekinalife is Bio-Health THR number seven

Kent-based Bio-Health has secured its seventh Traditional Herbal Registration (THR).

Jim Manson