Body Proud goes live with #noBODYlikeyou campaign
With studies showing that 78% of Gen Z feel pressured to get…
Spotlight series
London-based B Corp Belazu has kicked off a new media campaign which…
Irish health food retailers receive award recognition
Sunday 29 January saw the return of the annual Health Stores Ireland/New…
Spotlight series
With Nordic natural and organic ingredients forming the basis of its flavours,…
PRESS Healthfoods unveils fresh look, new campaign
To coincide with a brand refresh, plant-based nutrition brand PRESS Healthfoods has…
Weleda unveils first ever Skin Food TV Commercial
Weleda has announced a new £500k television advertising campaign for its Skin…
British Beauty Council calls on industry to celebrate beauty
The British Beauty Council is urging businesses to join it in celebrating…
Nutritional superstars
The lowdown on superfoods: already a popular shelf-filler, the category is gaining…
Clipper Teas shows off awards success through new campaign
Clipper Teas new Make it Better marketing campaign is encouraging consumers to…
CEW UK celebrates beauty industry achievers
On Monday, CEW UK celebrated the 20th anniversary of the annual Achiever…
The Vegan Kind undergoes vibrant new rebrand to reach broader audience
The Vegan Kind has teamed up with B&B studio to create a…
HealthyDoesIt launches third campaign: HealthyDoesOrganic
HealthyDoesIt has launched its third topical campaign, HealthyDoesOrganic, to engage the public…
Keto snack company Fatt rebrands, expands distribution
As part of its strategy to become market leader in the keto…
Superdrug launches its first ever CSR report
Superdrug has launched its first Corporate Social Responsibility report to coincide with…
Wiley’s teams with School in a Bag to help educate children in Ghana
Wiley’s Finest UK has launched a fundraising campaign to send school bags…
Spotlight series
Natural Products News shines a spotlight on a handful of brands' latest…
Wild Oats celebrated in Small Biz 100
Bristol-based store Wild Oats will be highlighted as one of the UK’s…
Ad campaign captures essence of independent Irish health stores
Health Stores Ireland is running a TV and radio campaign with the…
Tune in to Nature with Pukka Herbs and the Natural History Museum
Pukka Herbs and the Natural History Museum have teamed up to deliver…
A taste of honey from Canada
UK distributor DJM has introduced a sweet new addition to the UK…