Tag: relax

Chill out with duo of new beverages from Pukka Herbs

The latest two drinks from Pukka Herbs are both designed to soothe…

Jane Wolfe

Superfoodies Mushroom Coffee launches at NPE

The latest offer from Superfoodies is an innovative new range of functional…

Jane Wolfe

Pukka’s 7 Day Kits aim for everyday wellbeing

Pukka Herbs has created four kits containing herbal teas and food supplements…

Jane Wolfe

Amphora Aromatics brings fragrance to homes

Amphora Aromatics has introduced a range of six, 100% pure essential oil…

Jane Wolfe

Relax with Rawligion

Organic food brand Rawligion has launched Relax, a new milk drink containing…

Jane Wolfe

Wellbeing Bristol diffuses relaxation

Wellbeing Bristol is to launch its flagship range of Shui Me therapeutic…

Jane Wolfe