Tag: natural

On the beauty desk: Les Fleurs de Bach

In need of a feel-good floral boost? Then Bach's new range of…

Jim Manson

Voting launched for Who’s Who in Natural Beauty 2012

The natural beauty industry is being invited to nominate the brightest personalities…

Matt Chittock

Who’s who in the natural beauty industry? You decide…

Do you know a natural beauty brand that deserves its time in…

Jim Manson

Special Feature: Natural petcare

Should eco-friendly pet products give retailers paws for thought? Matt Chittock takes…

Jim Manson

Pesticide exposure in the womb could reduce children’s IQ

A new study links exposure to pesticides in the womb to a…

Matt Chittock

Saving the world? There’s an app for that…

The Earth Day Network has got together with Facebook to develop an…

Matt Chittock

Natural & Organic Scandinavia announced

A major new European event for the Scandinavian natural and organic market has…

Jim Manson

Natural & Organic Scandinavia announced

A major new European event for the Scandinavian natural and organic market has…

Jim Manson

Soil Association launches promotional push for Organic September 2011

The Soil Association has launched an on-line promotional pack designed to help…

Matt Chittock

Whole Foods reveals natural beauty trends

Whole Foods Market gave a packed session at Natural & Organic Products…

Matt Chittock

Sara Cox gets behind ‘Why I Love Organic’

Sara Cox shared her passion for all things organic with The Guardian…

Matt Chittock

See you in court: ANH hits funding target for THMPD legal challenge

The Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) says it expects to file its…

Jim Manson

Health claims may damage perception of naturalness — study

Making a health claim on a product could lead to consumers thinking…

Jim Manson