Scotland’s ambitious new organic action plan unveiled

Jane Wolfe
4 Min Read
Photo by Ed Robertson, SRUC

An ambitious new organic action plan for Scotland, funded by the Scottish Government and produced by the Scottish Organic Forum, was launched last week.

Created with input from relevant organizations across the country, including Soil Association Scotland, Organic Ambitions: Scotland’s Organic Action Plan 2016-2020 sets out a range of steps designed to aid in building a more sustainable future for organic food and farming in the country.

The action plan identifies the key challenges facing the development of Scottish organic food and the actions required to address them. Key to the strategy is spreading knowledge about the economic, environmental and social value of Scottish organic produce, increasing the strength of the whole supply chain and boosting skills through knowledge of best practice and training. Building resilience by strengthening the ability of the sector to conserve and enhance Scotland’s natural capital will also be vital. Work begins early this year on a programme to deliver these desired outcomes.

Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Food and the Environment, Richard Lochhead, commented on the launch: “Scottish food and drink is a phenomenal success story and, as interest in organic produce increases, that sector clearly has an important role to play in continuing that trend. Much has been achieved over the past few years but there is the potential to do so much more.

“I want to see a strong organic sector in Scotland, one that is strategically supported and that can compete with the rest of the UK, EU and, indeed, the world. I also want to see a Scottish organic sector that is making an important contribution to Scotland becoming a Good Food Nation, by being self-sustaining, adding value to our environment as well as the economy. Partnership and positive collaboration are key to achieving these aims and this new action plan will surely assist in realising these ambitions.”

“We welcome the new action plan and the Scottish Government’s continuing support for organics as a national priority,” commented Angela Mitchell, acting director for Soil Association Scotland. “The actions it sets out have the potential to make real change in how Scotland farms and eats; as well as increasing sales of organic produce, and the amount of land in Scotland being farmed organically. This will be good for consumers, for farmers and producers, and for the environment.

“The plan is very ambitious. The challenge now will be to find ways to ensure that, even in the face of difficult economic times, the vision it sets out becomes a reality. It was created with input from a wide range of organisations interested in food, farming and the environment, and it is critical that we all continue to work together to implement it. Here at Soil Association Scotland we look forward to contributing to the success of the plan by building on our existing work through programmes like Food for Life to work with schools, public sector organisations, caterers and retailers to raise awareness about good food and organic produce. We also look forward to continuing to work with farmers, growers, processors and key partner organisations in order to support the organic sector in Scotland.”

The action plan was celebrated with a parliamentary reception on 28 January attended by Lochhead (pictured).

The Organic Ambitions action plan can be downloaded here

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Jane Wolfe has worked in journalism since leaving University with a BA (Hons) in English in 1991, covering industries as diverse as energy, broadcasting, wellbeing and animal welfare. She first became part of the Natural Products News team in 1998 as a sub editor and freelance journalist before relocating to Greece in 2004. In 2013 she returned to the magazine as assistant editor, then deputy editor.
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