Faith In Nature launches the world’s first product line co-created by nature

Charlee Singleton
4 Min Read

Two years after announcing a world-first decision to give nature a legal seat on their board of directors, Faith In Nature has launched the world’s first line of haircare and bodycare products, developed with nature as a board member.

In 2022, Faith In Nature introduced the innovative framework that gave Nature a legal voice and vote in all decisions. They called on the expertise of the Earth Law Center in the US and Lawyers For Nature in the UK, to build the scheme which saw the non-human entity Nature become a director of the company at both a board and everyday level.

The motto “What would nature say?” was introduced in all decision making processes across all departments, and has seen to be instrumental in their recent roll-out of infinitely recyclable aluminium bottles and sourcing of ingredients that help to support and restore wildlife and social communities across the globe.

Brontie Ansell of Lawyers For Nature and Dr. Juliet Rose of the Eden Project have been appointed as the two legal guardians to provide a physical voice to Nature, holding the company accountable and ensuring decisions made are truly in nature’s favour. Both are legally bound to speak not just for humanity, but Nature as a whole, drawing on a wider network of global environmental experts in order to bring the most well-informed decisions to the table as possible.

Explaining how this shaped the development process for Faith In Nature’s most recent launch, Creative Director at Faith In Nature, Simeon Rose explains “From the reformulation, to the improved, more Nature centric sourcing, to the packaging itself — Nature’s view has shaped how we’ve gone about this project.”

“But making Nature a director was only ever part of the story. The real point of such a move is to see what changes as a result. Now you can hold those changes in your hand. It makes it real for people — and this after only two years of working with Nature on the Board as a framework. Imagine how different the aisles might look if Nature had a voice in the development of all products on the shelves. That’s the dream.”

Faith In Nature hope this will guide the wider industry in the next direction for product and business development in a growingly conscious landscape. Simeon adds “It wasn’t so long ago that people might have asked why we’d want an environmental lawyer and a plant scientist to help us make decisions on everything from logistics to NPD. But having worked with the process for nearly two years now, our response to that would be ‘Why wouldn’t you?’ It’s honestly so amazing to see how much richer the conversation has become and to feel that we’re all pulling together, with the shared goal of rebalancing the relationship between the business world and the natural world.”

The first brand launch to take place with Nature’s input, Faith In Nature have rolled out a series of infinitely recyclable aluminium bottles to house their Orange & Grapefruit, Lavender & Geranium, Shea & Argan and Coconut haircare and bodycare. Faith In Nature has increased the percentage of natural origin ingredients from 99 to 99.5% in both this range and the wider collection, whilst also reformulating to contain even more active naturals.

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