Ekinalife is Bio-Health THR number seven

Jim Manson
2 Min Read

Kent-based Bio-Health has secured its seventh Traditional Herbal Registration (THR).

Ekinalife, a blend of the potent pururea and pallida species of echinacea, is described by Bio-Health’s marketing director, June Crisp, as a “really exciting and unique addition to the growing range of Bio-Health THR mark products”.

Ekinalife joins Bio-Health’s Salvian (sage) Hyperidrine (St John’s wort), Periagna (agnus castus), Valdrian (valerian), Passiflora ad Good Night THR products. All of the products are additive-free.

Commenting on the growing number of THR mark products becoming available to the health food trade, Crisp told Natural Products: “There are some really fabulous herbal medicines coming  on to the market, which is very good news for independent health food retailers. We’re a small independent firm ourselves, and we’ve always supported the independent health food trade and ethos. We firmly believe that the success of THR scheme is vital for the health trade, and that without it the health stores will lose access to the additive -free herbal medicines. It’s possible that some therapeutic herbs may be re-presented as food supplements, but  only at levels when the actives don’t have a medicinal function — so they cease to be a herbal medicine and become a deception.

“Unfortunately, some companies who have chosen not to go down the THR route say they making some sort of stand for the health food trade, and the health food retailers. They’re not, they’re doing for themselves and because the story suits them.”

Commenting on the some of the current criticism of the natural health sector from the media and medical profession, particularly around exaggerated claims, Crisp said: “The truth of what we do is far better than the fiction. We have products that are really effective for a wide range of non life-threatening conditions and we have a fantastic opportunity to make these available to a mass market. There is a great opportunity for the health food trade if we seize this opportunity.

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Jim Manson is editor of Natural Newsdesk, former editor-in-chief of Natural Products Global (whose influence and audience grew steadily under his editorship) and former editor of Natural Products News, a position he held for 16 years. A regular speaker, presenter and awards host at conferences and trade shows in the UK and across Europe, he has also written for national newspapers and magazines including The Guardian, Financial Times, The Times and Time Out.
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