Periods in FLUX

Jane Wolfe
3 Min Read

FLUX Undies is a new range of innovative functional underwear designed for periods, leaks and postpartum.

FLUX Undies feature a three-layer built-in panel which is moisture wicking, super absorbent and leak-proof, meaning that they can be worn alone (replacing pads and tampons) for up to 12 hours, without leaks or stains. They are washable and reusable, and last for over three years.

The initial line of underwear is available in five different styles: Bikini, High Waist, Boy Brief, Thong and Detachable.

We are the first brand of period-proof underwear to offer a detachable style, which features simple side clasps to allow for easy changing in the most inconvenient places, without stepping foot off the ground.

Created by Paige Fashoni, the line aims to revolutionize the way in which women experience periods, break the taboo around menstruation, give back to girls in developing countries, allow those with mobility issues an easier way of changing their undies, and ditch the disposables.

“We are the first brand of period-proof underwear to offer a detachable style, which features simple side clasps to allow for easy changing in the most inconvenient places, without stepping foot off the ground,” says Fashoni. “I’ve always had extremely heavy periods, and spent most of my teenage and young adult life experiencing leaks, and constantly changing pads every couple of hours, making my monthly period pretty much a dreaded nightmare – this led me to creating functional underwear that can fully replace pads and tampons, and allow us to enter a more natural and sustainable way of bleeding. When I begun looking into this in more detail, I also began to realise that a lot of people with mobility issues or disabilities face huge struggles when it comes to something that is probably taken for granted by people every day: changing your underwear.”

FLUX says it places huge focus on representation and inclusivity, and uses unedited pictures from all its photo shoot, with women of every shape, size, colour, religion, sexuality, and ability used to represent the brand. “By doing this, we are hoping that other brands will recognize the importance of inclusivity and representing every type of person, rather than a minority, in the images that go out to young girls and women every day,” says Fashoni.

FLUX also operates a ‘By You, For Her’ giving back scheme, so for every pair of FLUX bought, a girl in need and unable to access proper menstrual care will receive a reusable washable cloth pad.


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Jane Wolfe has worked in journalism since leaving University with a BA (Hons) in English in 1991, covering industries as diverse as energy, broadcasting, wellbeing and animal welfare. She first became part of the Natural Products News team in 1998 as a sub editor and freelance journalist before relocating to Greece in 2004. In 2013 she returned to the magazine as assistant editor, then deputy editor.
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