FreeFrom Skincare Awards shortlist is announced

Diane Millis
2 Min Read

Almost 200 products from more than 100 brands have made the shortlist of the sixth annual FreeFrom Skincare Awards.

The awards acknowledge and reward cosmetics ‘free from’ many of the ingredients which some consumers need, or want, to avoid.

Five brands lead the way with four shortlisted products each – AA Skincare, Bloomtown Botanicals, Feisc, Gaia and Neantog (The Irish Nettle Company).

The shortlist follows a period of intensive testing of all entries by a 90-strong team of dedicated Ultimate Natural Beauty Bible and Skins Matter testers, each with sensitive, or problem, skin, or with a keen passion for natural and free from skincare.

“Half the brands on the shortlist are first-time entrants to the Awards, and many are new and small start-ups,” says Kirsty Mawhinney, awards administrator. “This reflects the degree to which free from and natural skincare is constantly growing and improving.”

“It’s great to see this sustained growth,” adds Alex Gazzola, awards co-ordinator. “These products are invaluable to consumers with allergies, problem skin conditions, religious sensibilities and ethical or environmental concerns. The judges have had a tough time deciding on winners!”

This year’s Awards are supported by sponsors NATorigin (Family Skincare category), Beauty Kitchen (Men’s Grooming), Bare & Beyond (Face Care (Leave On)) and Green People (Lip Balms).

Winners and runners-up in all 14 categories – plus additional awards for Best FreeFrom Skincare Brand, Best FreeFrom Achievement, and of course Best Overall FreeFrom Skincare Product – will be announced at a presentation at the Love Natural, Love You show at Olympia on 7 July 2017, with special guest Janey Lee Grace.

The Love Natural, Love You event is part of the The Allergy & Free From Show 2017 which features a half day trade seminar on 7 July. The FreeFrom’s New Frontier programme includes a session looking at the FreeFrom market with speakers including Steve Esom (former MD of Waitrose and director at Marks & Spencer) and a session looking at the ‘food to go’ market featuring speakers from Pizza Express, Warburtons, Marks & Spencer and OF+ Consulting.

Photo: FreeFrom Skincare Awards judges, courtesy FreeFrom Awards

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