Children’s mental health is a major concern. In recent years the number of children diagnosed with learning, behavioural and mental health problems has escalated. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and other neurodevelopmental disorders, all classifying children as ‘neurodivergent’, as opposed to ‘neurotypical’, have rocketed in both the UK and USA. One in six children in the USA are classified as neurodivergent and one in 36 as autistic – a fourfold increase in 20 years. This cannot be explained away by genetics or better diagnosis.
In response to this growing challenge, Food For The Brain Foundation have announced their Smart Kids project is set to launch on 24th April 2025. The project features an expert-led conference, public webinar and practical resources to support children’s learning, focus and emotional resilience.
This landmark conference brings together world experts in nutrition, psychology and neuroscience to elucidate what nutritional and environmental conditions are required to optimise a child’s development, intelligence, and resilience for mental health. It coincides with the launch of COGNITION for Smart Kids and Teens, a global project which empowers parents to help their children and teenagers unlock their full potential for emotional, mental, and cognitive well-being.
All proceeds go towards the COGNITION for Smart Kids and Teens, to help reach parents and their children and teenagers around the world. The Cognitive Function Test, which also includes the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and our comprehensive COGNITION questionnaire provides a free assessment and guidance to all.
This conference is designed for health professionals – nutritional therapists, nutritionists, dieticians, doctors, psychologists, teachers and parents involved in education.
You can find all conference and public webinar details at: