
Here we bring you the thoughts of the natural and organic products industry’s leading commentators and opinion formers.

Latest Opinion News

All round view

Cheryl Thallon, founder of Viridian Nutrition, speaks to Diane Millis about the…

Diane Millis

Innovate to accumulate

It’s not often that I champion a single brand to be taken…

Rosie Greenaway

Building on firm foundations

Diane Millis speaks to the chair of the Gluten Free Industry Association,…

Diane Millis

Beauty face-off

Just five months into the year, and Google already has a clear…

Rosie Greenaway

The spirit of Organix

Founded in 1992 by Lizzie Vann, organic children’s food brand Organix is…

Jane Wolfe

Chefs, will you Stir The Pot over GMOs?

Britain’s chefs can play a key role in raising public awareness about…

Jim Manson

A beauty-tuned ear to the ground

April has become the month when emerging trends and new product developments…

Rosie Greenaway

The future is wearable

We’re only one month into 2017 and it’s already well on its…

Rosie Greenaway

Let bodily fluids and solids (and food) be thy medicine

Craig Sams imagines the health farms of the future where ‘super healthy’…

Craig Sams

Having our cake and eating it

Shoppers are enticed by premium designer labels rather than the contents of…

Rosie Greenaway

Keep calm and slow down

Once a year, around the month of November, great minds from the…

Rosie Greenaway

Video interview: Jayn Sterland

We speak to Jayn Sterland, MD, Weleda UK, in a special video…

Jane Wolfe

Interview: Dr Mark Smith, director general, NATRUE

Dr Mark Smith, the new director general at NATRUE, tells the show's…

Jane Wolfe

Fermented hopes

If you don’t have an uber-dewy complexion and you’re not working your…

Rosie Greenaway

Legalise Nutrition

Let's seize on Brexit as an opportunity to legalise good nutrition and…

Patrick Holford

Let’s get the message out – organic is different

Organic September is just days away – hopefully to be marked by…

Jim Manson

Pay it forward

Pay it forward this month. One small act of organic kindness in…

Rosie Greenaway

Let’s hear it for the Jimi Hendrix (and brown rice rissoles) experience

It’s 1967. The Summer of Love. Jimi Hendrix is blaring from the…

Craig Sams

Bringing chilled juice back from the brink

Recently appointed general manager at Coldpress UK, Roger Harrison, gives us his…

Jane Wolfe

The biggest metric mistake? – you do the maths

Sales revenue, margin, profit, customers per day, average sales value etcetera are…

John Silvestro