A note from the editor: You’re not alone
NPN editor Rosie Greenaway shares her thoughts on the rapidly changing situation…
Welcome to the Brexit guessing game
“If you want to know what happens when a country leaves the…
NutriCentre – end of an era
Despite reports of growing losses at Tesco-owned NutriCentre and a candid analysis…
Taking organic forward
Last month four prominent Soil Association trustees who recently resigned from the charity…
We need to keep the GM debate alive and urgent
In 2002 the pro-GM Labour Government held a national debate to test…
Let’s get down to details
When the big four supermarkets pulled swathes of organic lines from their…
The future of retailing … or ungroovy uncle of an idea?
“A compelling combination of retail, food service and community” “The retail equivalent…
Town centre ‘vision’ – or dark comedy?
The former Iceland and Wickes chief executive Peter Grimsey is the latest…
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!
Tesco’s horsemeat media confessional continues. First there was the visually stark yet…
Owen Paterson doesn’t get it
“Some companies seem to think consumers will keep taking it on the…
Regulatory threats … and opportunities
“Next week”, announced the dulcet-toned Charlotte Green, “Radio 4 will broadcast the…
Don’t leave it all to a few heroes
“Some people join associations to make problems go away. It’s not enough.…
These GM protests were 10,000 years in the making
I'm not sure when the phrase 'reconnecting people with their food' was…
Organic and Green? It’s our bling.
Residents of Tunbridge Wells are usually acutely aware of their ‘disgusted of’…
Back to the earth
The philosopher Mary Midgley has written extensively about what modern thinkers can…
Appy New Year?
Industry analyst Organic Monitor has an intriguing New Year prediction. Not only…
Environmentally challenged
I wonder if George Osborne might come to regret the slightly self-satisfied…