
The latest news from the natural and organic products industry.

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Unliked: Waitrose feels the heat over ‘Monsanto broccoli’

Angry online criticism of Waitrose is building after the upmarket grocer chose…

Jim Manson

UK industry welcomes MEPs’ claims list objection

The UK health food trade has welcomed a decision by MEPs on…

Jim Manson

Report reveals organic impact of community farming

A new impact assessment of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in England commissioned…

Jim Manson

Organic is just “common sense” Browning tells Countryfile

The Soil Association director Helen Browning has told the BBC’s Countryfile programme…

Jim Manson

The shopping list is back

According to retail analysts IGD the shopping list is making a comeback…

Jim Manson

“We need supermarkets” — Soil Association

The Soil Association’s trade consultant, Finn Cottle, has warned the organic movement…

Jim Manson

Play your trump cards EU Commissioner urges organic sector

The EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Dacian Cioloş, told a major conference last…

Jim Manson

Play your trump cards EU Commissioner urges organic sector

The EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Dacian Cioloş, told a major conference last…

Jim Manson

MEPs block ‘X% less’ labelling

The European Parliament has voted against a proposed amendment of European food…

Jim Manson

Tell us who YOU think should win our top Award

Once again we’d like you, the readers of Natural Products, to help…

Jim Manson

As seen on TV!

Has your company, store or organisation got a newsworthy short film or…

Jim Manson

Dr Hilary Jones heads for Olympia

Britain’s best known media GP, Dr Hilary Jones is joining forces with…

Jim Manson

Who's who at Olympia – show exhibitor list released

Momentum continues to build for this year’s Natural & Organic Products Europe…

Jim Manson

Who’s who at Olympia – show exhibitor list released

Momentum continues to build for this year’s Natural & Organic Products Europe…

Jim Manson

Diet fizzy drinks increase heart attack risk by 43%

According to new American research, consuming a can of diet fizzy drink…

Jim Manson

ANH-Intl launches health claims “veto campaign”

Health campaign group Alliance for Health International (ANH-Intl) has launched a health…

Jim Manson

ANH-Intl launches health claims “veto campaign”

Health campaign group Alliance for Health International (ANH-Intl) has launched a health…

Jim Manson

Surfing the silver tsunami!

In a special a live interview format at this year’s Natural &…

Jim Manson

Flapjack repack

Doves Farm’s popular cereal bar and flapjack range gets a pack re-fresh…

Jim Manson

New brand enters burgeoning baby market

New natural brand Thea offers a fresh take on the growing baby…

Jim Manson