Industry News

The latest news from the natural and organic products industry.

Latest Industry News News

Conventional underwear is pants! – Norwegian Army goes organic

The Norwegian Army is to kit out its fighting forces with organic…

Jim Manson

Top expert asks – “is NADH the most singularly important compound for the body?”

NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydride) has been steadily gaining a reputation for…

Jim Manson

Organic brands fly as market growth strengthens, says Wessanen CEO

Leading organic and natural food business Wessanen says that its organic brands…

Jim Manson

Start me up! – Soil Association launches organic start-ups’ training

The Soil Association is inviting start-ups and small businesses looking to break…

Jim Manson

InFusion drinks range leads olive leaf into new waters

  Olive leaf supplements specialist Ovio is set to make waves in…

Jim Manson

The Better Food Co gets stuck into Organic September

Bristol-based The Better Food Company is putting on a whole series of…

Jane Wolfe

Meros Dairies slays dragons in Soil Association Scotland competition

After taking on six other budding food and drink entrepreneurs in Soil…

Jane Wolfe

Get set for Organic Beauty Week

This year’s Organic Beauty Week is kicking off on 14 September, so…

Jane Wolfe

Negative neonic findings just keep on coming…

In the same week Friends of the Earth announced it was mounting…

Jane Wolfe

Yeo Valley launches ‘fruit quest’ to find UK’s organic growers

Yeo Valley is launching a quest to locate more British organic fruit…

Jim Manson

Get set for Organic Beauty Week

This year’s Organic Beauty Week is kicking off on 14 September, so…

Jane Wolfe

Omega-3 study: More questions than answers?

‘Omega-3 supplements don’t improve memory’ declared a headline in Time Magazine this…

Jim Manson

Tell ‘em about the honey

National Honey Week is taking place from 25-31 October this year, in…

Jane Wolfe

Germany begins move to ban GM crops

Germany has initiated a move to ban the cultivation of GM crops…

Jim Manson

Beauty Bites

After seven years with NATRUE, Julie Tyrrell has left her position as…

Jane Wolfe

“We’re not the right body to run fair trade milk scheme” – Fairtrade Foundation

The Fairtrade Foundation says it is “not necessarily the right organisation” to…

Jim Manson

Curcumin may combat muscle soreness post-exercise

A study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology has found…

Jane Wolfe

Kanuka honey shown to significantly improve rosacea

A clinical trial published in the British Medical Journal Open has found…

Jane Wolfe

High wholegrain intake linked to reduced mortality rate

In a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, Scandinavian researchers…

Jane Wolfe

Supplementation cut hospitalization by 16.5%, researchers show

A review of 19 international studies into the use of supplements within care…

Jane Wolfe