Industry News

The latest news from the natural and organic products industry.

Transitional organic certification for US farmers

A new transitional certification programme for products from farmers who are in the process of becoming organic has been launched in the US. Using standards...

Major new store opening for Liverpool

A 10,000sqft organic and natural food store will open in Bold Street, Liverpool in March.

Ethical supermarket hiSbe closes in on second Brighton store

Brighton-based ethical supermarket hiSbe is close to securing a second store site in the city.

New US guidelines on peanut allergy

Babies without eczema or egg allergies, should be introduced to peanut-containing foods alongside other solid foods according to new clinical guidelines from an expert panel...

Natural Branding eliminates need for packaging

Nature & More is to mark organic fruit and veg with Natural Branding, a marking method which removes the need for packaging or stickers.

Campaign calls for VAT drop for low sugar foods

A new campaign is seeking a VAT cut on all foods and drinks with a reduced/low/free from added sugar/sugar free/low or no calorie claim.

EU funding success for international campaign

An EU grant worth €10.4m has been secured by the Organic Trade Board in partnership with Organic Denmark, to support a campaign to promote organic food.

New editorial appointments at Diversified

Diane Millis has joined Natural Products News (NPN) as acting editor for a six-month period, with effect from the March issue.

New study links glyphosate to fatty liver disease

A new peer-reviewed study has found that exposure to an ultra-low dose of Roundup herbicide in rats causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Burgeoning gluten-free sector gets dedicated trade body

The Gluten Free Industry Association (GFIA) has been formed to support companies involved in the manufacture and trade of gluten free products.

The Great British Bloat Off – nationwide seminar tour

Two thirds of women experience bloating. “It’s not normal.” Says Patrick Holford, who has launching a campaign in March to beat the bloat.

Growing Organic Together … at Natural & Organic Products Europe

The Soil Association and Organic Trade Board will have an even bigger joint presence at this year’s Natural & Organic Products Europe event (2-3 April 2017, ExCel, London).

Hospital health store helps staff make better food choices

The Royal Voluntary Service has opened a hospital shop with a difference – a “dietary specific shop” under the brand name Revi

EGCG may increase metabolic rate says study

Scientists from Japan have found that supplements containing EGCG – a polyphenol found in green tea – may help with weight management.

Mediterranean diet slows brain shrinkage scientists show

Scientists in Edinburgh have shown eating a Mediterranean diet – rich in fruit, vegetables and olive oil – is associated with slower brain shrinkage in older age.

Trusted traditions, plant-power, waste not, time sensitive, night shift – the...

Trusted traditions, plant-power, waste not, time sensitive, the night shift – these are the big food trends to watch for in 2017, says food industry analyst Mintel.

Third of consumers engaged in “purpose-led purchasing”

More than a third of consumers are now actively engaged in “purposeful purchasing” when they shop, a new survey funded by Unilever has found.

Free-from powers into 2017

The free-from food sector grew by 18.9% in 2016 to be worth £772.2 million according to new figures from Nielsen.

Make organic a ‘laboratory’ for healthy food production

The EU should increase investment in organic agriculture and use it as a field ‘laboratory’ for the development of sustainable and healthy food production.

Antibac soaps and cleaners thwart vital antibiotics, research shows

An antibacterial agent widely used in hand soaps could be helping microbes like MRSA beat powerful antibiotics, US scientists have warned.