Industry News

The latest news from the natural and organic products industry.

Latest Industry News News

Medical cannabis products to be legalized

The Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, has announced the legalization of medical cannabis…

Rosie Greenaway

Antarctic deal supported by UK retailers

Greenpeace has applauded Britain’s retailers after several major high street names joined…

Rosie Greenaway

Ofsted got it ‘completely wrong’ says Soil Association

A report by The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and…

Rosie Greenaway

Fish oil supplements: ‘little or no’ effect, Cochrane review concludes

A new study published by the influential Cochrane Library concludes that there is ‘little…

Jim Manson

Making the most of Organic September

Organic September is on its way, and there are plenty of opportunities…

Jane Wolfe

£20MN allocated to turn tide on plastics

The Government’s pledge to tackle plastic – ‘one of the great environmental…

Rosie Greenaway

Goodness Foods closes

After 35 years in business, Goodness Foods has announced that it will…

Rosie Greenaway

Draft of Cannabis Products Directive submitted to EU

The Cannabis Trades Association (CTA) has announced that the draft of a…

Jane Wolfe

ESSNA calls for clear distinction between sports and energy drinks

The European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA) is calling for distinctions to…

Jane Wolfe

Organic shoppers expect eco-friendly packaging

Research has revealed that the majority (67%) of organic consumers expect produce…

Jane Wolfe

Buyout offer supported by The Health Store

The MD of The Health Store has pledged his support for the…

Rosie Greenaway

Government to review cannabis for medicinal use

The Home Secretary Sajid Javid this afternoon told the House of Commons…

Jane Wolfe

Consumers warned about rogue VMS firms

The Insolvency Service is warning people to be vigilant about rogue health…

Jane Wolfe

Wicked Kitchen investigated for traces of meat

The Food Standards Agency is investigating allegations that vegan products sold by…

Rosie Greenaway

Speciality & Fine Food Fair 2018 preps for Olympia

This year’s Speciality & Fine Food Fair will return to Olympia London…

Jane Wolfe

Naturewatch Foundation: ditch Ecover and Method

Animal welfare charity Naturewatch Foundation is encouraging retailers to cease stocking Ecover…

Jane Wolfe

Thread of green

In April, Natural & Organic Products Europe hosted an eagerly anticipated session…

Jane Wolfe

Men’s Health Week focuses on diabetes

Men's Health Week is on its way, running from 11 June through…

Jane Wolfe

Palm-oil free certification puts first stamp on UK

UK products can now be certified palm oil-free with the world’s first…

Rosie Greenaway

The rising costs of Brexit

In a report by the House of Lords’ EU Energy and Environment…

Rosie Greenaway