Industry News

The latest news from the natural and organic products industry.

Tesco campaign joined by Jamie Oliver

Jamie Oliver is joining forces with Tesco to help promote healthier eating through a new ‘helpful little swaps’ campaign initiated by the supermarket giant.

Natural Products Youtube channel revamped

NPN has revamped and relaunched its YouTube channel, formerly known as Natural Products TV

New wellbeing awards launch

Entries are now open for the new Beauty Shortlist Wellbeing Awards, which will run alongside the original Beauty Shortlist Awards taking place in London on Friday 1 March 2019.

BBC criticized over ‘confusing’ probiotic headline

The BBC has been criticized by daily online news publication Nutra Ingredients for its coverage of a new study conducted by a group of scientists at the Weizman Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.

Mintel identifies eco gender gap

A report from Mintel has highlighted a gap between the ethical living behaviours of men and women, with the latter taking the lead.

PM applauds efforts of Zero Waste Week campaigner

The messages championed by Zero Waste Week (ZWW) founder Rachelle Strauss have been applauded by Prime Minister Theresa May, and her efforts awarded, following the grassroots  campaign’s eleventh international run in September.

New organic award launched

A new annual award conceived by the Organic Trade Board (OTB) aims to recognize an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the UK organic sector.

Dimbleby: ‘great cause for optimism’

Speaking at last weekend’s inaugural Go! Organic festival in Battersea Park, London, broadcaster and author Jonathan Dimbleby stressed the importance of organic production, sustainability and biodiversity to the survival of the planet, saying he was optimistic about the future.

UK organics face being shut out of EU markets in event...

UK organic producers face being banned from exporting to EU countries for nine months in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the Food and Drink Federation warned today.

Europe discards 50MN tonnes of fruit and veg annually

Over one-third of farmed fruit and vegetables never reach supermarket shelves simply because of being misshapen or the wrong size, according to research from the University of Edinburgh.

Queen’s homeopath dies in cycling accident

Dr Peter Fisher, a prominent figure on the UK homeopathic scene, was killed this week in a tragic cycling accident in London. Fisher, most famously,...

NAHS petitions the Government

The National Association of Health Stores (NAHS) is calling upon retailers to support a petition it has put to the Government.

NHS demands £120K reimbursement from homeopathic group

Following the NHS’ decision to exclude homeopathy from public-funded drugs being upheld by a High Court judge, it is now calling for the homeopathic groups which challenged its decision to pay back all legal costs incurred.

Letter to the editor

In a letter to the editor, John Brear, national sales director at Bio-Nature, takes a moment to share his thoughts on his friend and colleague Diane Suddell, who passed away on 25 July. 

‘Honey & Barrett’: from hive to home

Holland & Barrett (H&B) has launched a £1.5 million ‘Wonder of Manuka’ campaign centred around transparency within the Manuka honey industry, in a bid to ‘take a stand against fake Manuka’.

Health Food Institute welcomes new patron

Diversified Communications has become the latest company to join the HFI as a Patron of the Institute.

Medical cannabis products to be legalized

The Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, has announced the legalization of medical cannabis products in the UK after several high profile cases involving children with severe epilepsy caused him to re-think current policy.

Antarctic deal supported by UK retailers

Greenpeace has applauded Britain’s retailers after several major high street names joined the charity in the formation of a voluntary agreement to restrict fishing in key areas of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Ofsted got it ‘completely wrong’ says Soil Association

A report by The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) has been criticized by the Soil Association (SA) for being...

Fish oil supplements: ‘little or no’ effect, Cochrane review concludes

A new study published by the influential Cochrane Library concludes that there is ‘little or no effect’ of omega-3 supplements on the risk of experiencing heart disease, stroke or death.