Industry News

The latest news from the natural and organic products industry.

Latest Industry News News

Organic movement plans for growth after sales slump

Organic sales fell by 13% in 2009, down from £2.1 billion (2008)…

Jim Manson

Natural & Organic Products Europe in pictures

Over 8,000 natural products professionals converged on London's Olympia for Natural &…

Jim Manson

Natural & Organic Products Europe in pictures

Over 8,000 natural products professionals converged on London's Olympia for Natural &…

Jim Manson

Researchers show Omega-3s boost lung function during sport

New research by scientists in Germany and Iran has demonstrated that omega-3…

Jim Manson

Asda delists Fairtrade coffee duo

Asda has delisted two pioneer brand Fairtrade coffee products and replaced them…

Jim Manson

Top food behaviour experts line-up for conference

Some of Britain’s best-know food and behaviour experts have been lined up…

Jim Manson

Study linking multivits and breast cancer “fundamentally flawed”

A study linking regular use of multivitamins with an increased breast cancer…

Jim Manson

UK industry confident on supplement shelf-life

The UK health food trade says it has “no doubt” that properly…

Jim Manson

Health claims may damage perception of naturalness — study

Making a health claim on a product could lead to consumers thinking…

Jim Manson

EU Legislation Turns Critical: What’s in store for your business

As key EU Directives and regulations reach critical points in their implementation…

Jim Manson

EU Legislation Turns Critical: What’s in store for your business

As key EU Directives and regulations reach critical points in their implementation…

Jim Manson

Conservatives back supplements campaign as election looms

Shadow health minister Mike Penning last week joined actress and Consumers for…

Jim Manson

Protestors’ homeopathic overdose was “grossly irresponsible”

More than 400 homeopathy sceptics staged a series of “mass homeopathic overdoses”…


World will turn to organic when oil runs short — Benn

There was lots of straight talking — and a few raised eyebrows…


Food Inc gets exclusive trade screening at Olympia show

One of the most hotly anticipated movies of the year — Food…


Dr Chris Steele calls for action on coeliac disease

ITV This Morning doctor and complementary health supporter, Dr Chris Steele MBE,has…
