International News

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French and German consumers willing to pay more for certified cosmetics

According to a new NATRUE study, approximately 90% of consumers would be…

Jane Wolfe

Beyond Meat seals global three-year deal with McDonald’s

As part of a three-year agreement with McDonald’s, Beyond Meat is to…

Jane Wolfe

ProVeg Incubator and AAFPP team for Russia plant-based food tech accelerator

ProVeg Incubator has partnered with the Association of Alternative Food Producers to…

Jane Wolfe

Sustainable farming? GMOs? Agroecology? Be part of the discussion

NPG's upcoming webinar Sense, Science & Sustainability asks a hot question: can…

Jim Manson

NZ Government releases new manuka honey definition, strengthens export requirements

The New Zealand Government’s Ministry For Primary Industries (MPI) will release a…

Jim Manson