Health & Nutrition

Bringing the natural and organic products industry the latest health and nutrition news from around the UK and Ireland.

Latest Health & Nutrition News

EFSA health warning to frequent consumers of herbal teas and supplements

Exposure to pyrrolizidine alkaloids in food, in particular for frequent and high…

Jim Manson

And breathe: Pep-Thyme helps with air pollution effects 

Pep-Thyme, from Bio-Health, is a new product made from the aromatic herbs…

Jim Manson

Viridian supports vegan artist

Viridian Nutrition is supporting an exhibition called Free Spirit by vegan artist…

Jane Wolfe

Vitamin K2 improves vascular calcification

A new clinical study published in BMC Nephrology has found that haemodialysis…

Jane Wolfe

Researchers urge health authorities to rethink vitamin D guidelines

Following the publication of a study from the University of Surrey, worldwide…

Jane Wolfe

Prebiotic reduces body fat in overweight children

A new study into the effects of prebiotics on children who are…

Jane Wolfe

New online probiotics tool goes live

OptiBac Probiotics has created a new online educational tool to help clear…

Jane Wolfe

Bee Health hailed as inspirational

East Yorkshire VMS manufacturer Bee Health Ltd has topped off a period…

Jane Wolfe