
The latest features from the pages of Natural Products News – the leading trade magazine for the natural and organic products industry.

Latest Features News

A winter’s tale

Kate Miller explains why a good work ethic merely increases the spread…

Ross Harris

Everything’s looking rosé

Rosie Greenaway raises her glass to an ample organic, vegan, free-from and…

Rosie Greenaway

Behind festive doors

With so many unusual – and varied – advent calendars available, health-conscious…

Rosie Greenaway

The popular face of Ayurveda

Ayurveda hasn’t yet reached its full market potential in the UK, but…

Ross Harris

Girl guide

Rosie Greenaway discovers that whether it’s post-divorce stress, reproductive problems or a…

Rosie Greenaway

Recipe for success

From ready-wrapped vegan sandwiches to an array of healthy snacks, the lunch…

Matt Chittock

Wake-up call

The neuroscientist and science writer Matthew Walker describes lack of sleep as…

Jim Manson

Igniting a new era of healthy oils

In a category abounding with innovation and choice, it’s the brands combining…

Ross Harris

Mushroom for improvement?

Although medicinal mushrooms are becoming more widely appreciated, there are some hurdles…

Ross Harris

Organic September

The UK’s biggest campaign to grow the organic market is almost upon…

Hayley Coristine

The rising tide of conscious beauty

In July the Love Natural, Love You show at Olympia, London, saw…

Jane Wolfe

Child’s play

With the increasing struggles of the NHS driving consumers towards over-the-counter alternatives…

Ross Harris

Cool for cats (and dogs)

Are you making the most of the pooch pound? Do you even…

Jane Wolfe

Grab the trends, get the sales

Are you aware of joint health trends? Are you creating relevant news…

Ross Harris

A category with wings

Could edible insects be the future of the protein market? Matt Chittock…

Ross Harris


This year’s Natural & Organic Products Europe was the perfect place to…

Jane Wolfe

The big yawn

Increased daylight hours, caffeine, alcohol and ‘screen time’ are contributing to the…

Ross Harris

Live & kicking

The health benefits of fermented food and drink provide a strong pull…

Jane Wolfe

Smile high club

As we head towards the season for planes, trains and heatwaves, Rosie…

Rosie Greenaway

Behind bars

With producers facing a number of challenges – including increased competition, the…

Jane Wolfe