Food Focus

The latest monthly Food Focus feature from the pages of Natural Products News – the leading trade magazine for the natural and organic products industry.

Latest Food Focus News

Chocs away

Jim Manson identifies latest trends in the competitive natural and organic chocolate…


Future food

The superfood category is coming of age with sophisticated new ways for…

Ross Harris

Start me up

Helping consumers get a healthy start is simple thanks to natural producers…

Ross Harris

Lardered up

Show some cupboard love for organic and natural essentials, says Matt Chittock

Ross Harris

Opportunity of a lunchtime

Twelve o’clock to two o’clock – two hours in the day that…

Ross Harris

Well oiled

Healthy oils is the perfect example of a natural and organic category…


Snack attack!

Matt Chittock discovers the perfect products for peckish consumers.


Dairy-free delivers on innovation

The dairy-free category is being spurred on by innovation and the growing…


Units of measure

Fairtrade spirits, organic wines and allergy-free beers are the order of the…


Vote veggie!

As the Vegetarian Society launches its Kinder Food Policy, we find out…


Smoothie operator

A splash of vegetable juice and a hint of healthiness gives the soft…

Jim Manson

Wake up call

When it comes to breakfast products health store customers are looking for…

Jim Manson