Simon Wright

Simon Wright is the founder of OF+ Consulting. A former technical director at Green & Black’s and Whole Earth he is one of the foremost brand advisers to the natural and organic sector.
5 Articles

Why organic reforms may already have been overtaken by events

Efforts to reform the organic industry may already have been overtaken by…

Simon Wright

Roll up, get your black candyfloss here

Over the weekend of September 6-8 the Food Organisation of Denmark delivered…

Simon Wright

How a downfall in organic sales is good for independent retailers

In March the Soil Association released their Organic Market Report 2012 .…

Simon Wright

Confessions of an organic vegetarian

Meat Free Monday (and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday and…)

Simon Wright

This. Is. Wrong

Organic has taken a bit of a battering this year . UK…

Simon Wright